Download the PDF file: Smoke Alarm Servicing Schedule

Australian Standard 1851–2012 details a servicing regime for smoke alarms in domestic dwellings.

The SA Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) has used AS 1851-2012 to develop the schedule overleaf to record smoke alarm maintenance. Keep a copy of the completed schedule for future reference.

NB Whilst the Standard sets the minimum requirements for smoke alarm maintenance the MFS recommends that you test and clean your smoke alarms more frequently.

The MFS recommends testing them every month and cleaning them at least every six months.

For more information about smoke alarms go to MFS Home Fire Safety fact sheet: Smoke Alarms.


DATE:                         /            /


What to check

What to do

Action taken



Smoke alarms

Visually inspect the alarms for any condition that will impede the smoke alarm operation. e.g. excessive dust or coating of paint.


Battery installation

Inspect the alarms to ensure that a battery is properly installed and that the ‘battery missing’ indicator has not operated.


240V mains power indicator – hard-wired smoke alarms

Check that the power indicator light is illuminated.



Test the smoke alarm by pressing the test button to sound the alarm or engage the alarm test function in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.


Other warning devices

Where other warning devices are used as alarm indicating devices (e.g. lights or vibrating pads) check all devices to ensure that they are in place.



DATE:               /             /


What to check

What to do

Action taken



Smoke alarms

Complete all the six monthly checks as per the previous chart.


Interconnecting alarms

Where smoke alarms are interconnected, test that the activation of each alarm operates the warning sound in each of the other alarms.


Other warning devices

Where other warning devices (e.g. lights or vibrating pads) test all devices to ensure that they work correctly.


Smoke alarms

Clean each smoke alarm in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.



Check the manufacturer’s requirements for battery replacement and replace the battery as required. We suggest changing smoke alarm batteries at the end of daylight savings, when clocks are changed.


Service life

Replace smoke alarms where the service life date is exceeded.


Survey positioning

Check each alarm to ensure spacing and location requirements are in accordance with
legislation i.e. to provide adequate warning to sleeping residents to allow them to evacuate in the event of a fire.


For further advice:


Phone: (08) 8204 3611

Country Callers: 1300 737 637

Want more information on how to dispose of your smoke alarm?

Look at our Fire Safety Equipment Disposal Fact Sheet