Download the PDF file: Fire Blankets

Using a fire blanket correctly is one of the safest ways to extinguish a flammable liquid burning in a container – for example, oil or fat burning in a saucepan.

Fire blankets are available from department stores, hardware stores and specialist safety stores. When you purchase a fire blanket ensure it meets the Australian Standard: AS/NZS 3504:2006.

The kitchen is the most common place for oil or fat fires to occur. Install the fire blanket on the wall near or very close to a door leading out of the kitchen area.

Do not store the blanket beside the oven or stove top or under the sink as you may not be able reach
it safely in the event of a fire.

How to use a Fire Blanket

  1. Remove the fire blanket from its cover by grabbing the two protruding tabs and pulling down.
  2. Hold one tab in each hand near the blanket, and rotate your hands inwards so that they are covered
    and protected by the blanket.
  3. Hold your arms out toward the fire.
  4. Move slowly and carefully towards the fire. The blanket will protect you from the heat and flame. Do not look over the top of the blanket at the fire.
  5. Let the bottom of the fire blanket touch the side of the bench top, stovetop or the container. Still moving your arms forward, slowly and carefully lower the blanket over the top of the container. Do not attempt to throw the blanket over the fire.
  6. Place a saucepan lid, a metal tray or other flat solid object on top of the fire blanket over the mouth of the container and leave it on the stove.
  7. Turn off the heat source.
  8. Call triple zero (000) for the fire service to attend. They will check for fire spread (through the exhaust fan or range hood) and assist in removing smoke from the house. There is no charge for the fire service to attend during or after a fire.
  9. Leave the container in place to cool for at least an hour before you attempt to move it.

Practise using your fire blanket before you have a fire so that you know exactly what to do in an emergency situation.

Once the fire blanket has been used on a real fire you should replace it immediately.


  1. Never attempt to carry a container of burning liquid.
    The fire may flare up or your movement may cause the flames to lap back towards you, igniting your clothing and causing you to drop the container and spread the fire.
  2. Never attempt to use water to extinguish a flammable liquid.
    The water will cause the fire to grow instantly and become more dangerous.
    The sudden expansion of water turning to steam will also spill the burning liquid from the container igniting any combustibles with which it comes into contact.

For further advice:


Phone: (08) 8204 3611

Country Callers: 1300 737 637

Want more information on what to do if there is a fire in your home?

Look at our Fire In The Home Fact Sheet