An unwanted false alarm (UFA) activation is considered to be one where, after investigation by the MFS, it is deemed the situation would not have resulted in any danger to the occupants and premises from fire.

The MFS responds to approximately 9,000 fire alarm system activations per year. Only a very small percentage of these activations were due to a genuine fire.

The MFS may levy a fee if the alarm activation was deemed to be an avoidable unwanted alarm activation.

Refer to the below fact sheets for managing Unwanted False alarms.

Built Environment Section Fact Sheet - Managing Unwanted False Alarms - MFS Monitored

Built Environment Section Fact Sheet - Managing Unwanted False Alarms  Privately Monitored Commercial

Built Environment Section Fact Sheet - Managing Unwanted False Alarms  Privately Monitored Domestic

Waiving an Unwanted False Alarm

If you believe that you have been charged for an unwanted alarm that is unfair or beyond your control, you can apply to the MFS for consideration of a waiver of the unwanted alarm charge.

The MFS has a waiver provision built into its charging process:

  • It has been MFS general practice that a new monitored fire alarm connection is given a grace period of three (3) months to allow for any installation issues to be resolved before alarm call-out charges occur.
  • It is also MFS policy to have crews reset fire alarms; if this alarm reactivates within 24 hours (working weekday) or 48-54 hours (weekend or public holiday periods) then there is generally no charge.
  • Some unwanted alarm charges apply if there is more than one alarm operation within a 60 day cycle.
  • In the event of an actual fire, no alarm charge is incurred.

Refer to Codes for Alarm Charging.

Waiver Requirements

  • Application to waive must be lodged with the MFS within 30 days of the invoice date.
  • Complete the online Application to Waive Automatic Fire Alarm Charge form:

Application to Waive Automatic Fire Alarm Charge

  • The “Explanation for request to waive Automatic Fire Alarm unwanted alarm charge” should detail the justification for the waiving and what has been done to ensure that unwanted alarms will not reoccur. Use an additional sheet if required.
  • Attach a copy of the MFS invoice/s and evidence of the actions taken to remedy further unwanted alarms (e.g. invoice from alarm maintenance company).